Monday, January 30, 2012

Jack in the Box; Mondays; dreams

A certain Irish man who lives just down the road from us had a lot of success with a song I Don't Like Mondays - some other project seemed to hijack his career?!?!?  (actually my favourite of his is the wannabe Springsteen track Rat Trap).  He got the phrase for Mondays from a San Diego school girl who had gone into class years ago and shot fellow classmates - when asked why she simply replied "I Don't Like Mondays."

Mondays are possibly the hardest day of the week, especially after a lazy weekend.  Bailey was unable to get up this morning and was running late for school, whilst CJ and I were out of bed and dressed, or at least I was!!! by seven, ready to take the dogs for a walk, but it was hard doing.  Your body soon gets into a routine though and I'm sure by the end of the week seven won't seem so bad!!!

It's harder to get up when it's so cold.  That's one thing I miss about living in LA, the warmth.  There's a survey out today that ex-pats, who now live abroad, say what they miss most about the UK.  The BBC apparently was one? Not sure why, you can get it online, albeit with adverts!!

Things I miss when I'm living there are our bread, our chocolate, our cheese, all things I'm not currently eating so that's good!  Marmite, although they get vegamite, the Australian marmite.  Nashville doesn't have the choices though of LA.  Cream is hard to find, single/double cream, as is nice cheese.  I love their bacon, (another no at the moment) but love ours too, just totally different as are their sausage links.

The world is definitely more accessible now though; ingredients are much more readily available.  Mountain Dew was always something I missed whilst living in the UK but its in most stores now.  I miss Jack in the Box, my favourite fast food burger chain, although with milk shakes at over 1,000 calories it's probably a good thing too.

Not that I'm going to die but if I ever do my kids know to go to Jack in the Box on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, opposite the pier, and have a burger and shake and then walk over to the pier and throw me over!!! or at least scatter me in the Californian sunset, just like a scene from a TV show.

TV is almost the same now on both sides of the Atlantic, some shows run later in the UK.  I've mentioned One Tree Hill before.  Now in its last season, season 10, creator Mark Schwann has consistently kept the standard high.  I caught an episode yesterday morning from a few years back and was again totally blown away by the writing, directing, the whole production and the use of songs, wow!  All very inspirational.

This week my own writing will include the new story Sleeping with your eyes open, tag is Dreams Come True, even when you don't want them to .......

plus recording.  

Can't believe it is the end of January already!  Where has this month gone?

Is it only Monday though?!?

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