Monday, January 16, 2012

Aliens, ghosts and litter

I don't believe in ghosts, yet I've seen one; I don't believe in U.F.O.s, yet I've seen one.  This morning on our walk I saw a light in the sky; obviously a plane flying out of Gatwick.  I turned to call one of the dogs, turned back - and it had gone, yet the sky this morning was perfectly clear, no clouds, and it did seem to be travelling very fast?  if it had been a plane it simply could not have disappeared like that - (this is when the theme from the Twilight Zone kicks in!).

Some years ago when we lived way out in the country by Watership Down (yes it does really exist) I used to go to a small village pub called the White Hart with a good friend of mine Charlie.  We would drive home together through the smallest of country roads through some very bleak countryside, and one night we saw something we couldn't explain, a light in the sky, very fast, and then gone, and no not a plane.  Too many beers perhaps?  but for both of us to see it?  Sure there's a logical explanation......

I met someone a few years back who was convinced his phone was tapped by the MoD, and that his house had been broken into by MI5/6 because he had sensitive research - all very X Files, but he seriously believed it.  Who knows?  I am sure we can not be the only form of life in the whole universe but I like my aliens to be like ALF, from the TV show years ago - ALF standing for Alien Life Form.

And then there are ghosts - or are there?  We used to live in the oldest house in Laurel Canyon at the foot of the Hollywood Hills.  One night I woke up and saw an old lady sitting in a rocking chair, as clear as can be.  Now, did I dream it?  If so how come I can remember perfectly.  Yet, I don't believe.

Houdini and Conan Doyle used to argue about spirits, mediums and the like - mediums are sales, without any any doubt, they prey on the vulnerability of people who have lost someone.  Houdini tricked Conan Doyle trying to convince him mediums and the like were fakes.  Houdini was so obsessed with the subject that he and his wife agreed to 'come back' through a medium but have a secret code that only they knew - 'Rosabelle believe'.   After his death his wife went to many mediums, but her husband never managed it seems to escape the spiritual world and send her the message.

One message I'd like to send is to all the people who think it's okay to just throw litter out of their cars.  Driving around over the weekend I was appalled by the amount of litter -  beer cans, fast food bags, anything and everything.  I know of no other comparable country that has this problem.  In the states the fine for littering is $1,000 and you hardly ever see so much as a sweet wrapper.  One difference is bins for your trash and rubbish.  In a mall at the weekend I had a soft drink, finished it, and yet could I find somewhere to put it?  No.  It becomes then tempting to just put it down somewhere.  Budgets are being cut everywhere and perhaps councils prefer to see litter on their roadsides rather than paying to either clean it up and/or provide proper facilities like bins - get them sponsored by the local radio station - the one I used to do a show for sponsored all the trash bins on the beaches of LA.  There's always an answer - except when you come to ghosts and U.F.O.s!   

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