Thursday, March 15, 2012


As I write this the main headline is the awful coach crash that happened yesterday in Switzerland, killing over twenty eleven/twelve year old children and six adults.  Many others remain critical in hospital.

It's another reminder of just how precious life is, regardless of religion and whether you believe in reincarnation and life after life, or Heaven, which as a Christian I do, but that doesn't mean I'm actually in any hurry to get there, as I love life down here too much - this is what my song God's Country is about.

There's a well known saying, "If I knew then what I know now." As we get older we're supposed to get wiser, and most people do.  I'm very spontaneous though, always have been, always will be; live for the moment, worry about tomorrow when it comes.  As we have children though we allegedly become more responsible.  I've always thought that, due to the spontaneity I'm irresponsible but was surprised when someone who worked for me told me she thought I was the most responsible person she knew!?!

There's a wonderful Todd Rundgren song by his band Nazz, It's Not That Easy -  I'm only trying to see myself through your eyes...And put myself where I belong.

Would we like ourselves if we met us?  If we could see us as others see us?

I think it is having children that changes our whole outlook in life, it can't fail to really.  When I hear about children being injured, abused, hurt and killed, it makes me shudder and think of my kids, all six of them, and I hope and pray at that moment that they are all okay.

When I see a parent shout and swear at their young child in the street makes me so angry.  CJ gives them 'the look' - scary!  What hope does that child have if they think that that is the normal way to behave, and yet, what is the normal way to behave?

When children don't ring when they are supposed to, or get in late, or going somewhere new, by themselves for the first time, it's awful.  Who would be a parent?  No manuals, learn by mistakes, or at least most people do.  We start to say the things we promised ourselves we would never say when we were parents, things our parents said to us!

When children stand up to you, argue with you, half of you wants to lock them away and throw away the key, the other half admires them for believing in themselves and for standing up for themselves!

At the same time they can get you mad, frustrated but then they'll say one thing, perhaps one word, and that makes it all worthwhile.

A parent's love should be unconditional; it's an unspoken bond, a blood thing, I do believe that.  It doesn't matter if you don't speak for ages, it shouldn't matter,  they don't owe you anything, you don't own them, they have to live their life for themselves, you can only guide them, advice them, never preach, just love them and I guess we've just got to be there for them, whenever it is they need us, and one day, they will.


Here's a video with Diana Ross doing the Billie Holiday classic, God Bless the Child, from the film Lady Sings the Blues, in which Ross is truly amazing.

Hug your child, even though they may be miles away, a cyberspace hug!

My prayers, thoughts and heart goes out to all the parents of the children lost in the crash.

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