Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And it rained and it rained all summer

Just when you thought it was safe to go back out, more torrential rain.  In and out of Krogers in five minutes, totally different weather. Leak in the roof but what can you expect.  Dying down now, flash flood warning until 1:00a.m.  Was woken last night at 2 or so by thunder and lightning.

Saw Paul Shaffer last night on PBS - have to admit I don't get him.  I know about the Blues Brothers connection but .........

Love to play at this

I love San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay, Pismo Beach.

New Criminal Minds on, easily addictive.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The battle between Facebook and Myspace continues, another artist I know today has announced she's quitting Myspace, but remains on Facebook.  I like four four myself.  Facebook has won no friends in the UK due to their initial refusal to put an alarm button on their site.  Today though there are stories in the news concerning Facebook - Isreali soldier; a murder in the UK and more.  These follow a year of other stories, including the child pornography case.


I love Watertown - this is the rush hour!